<% dim strLoginErr, strLoginErr2 dim strReq dim iDisplay dim strId dim strSWLogEmail dim strDBLogEmail dim strDBKeycode dim iDbDwnCnt dim bDbExp dim strRedirect strLoginErr = "" strLoginErr2 = "" strSWLogEmail = "" strDBLogEmail = "" strDBKeycode = "" 'iDisplay = 1 strId = request("rid") strSWLogEmail= cleanchars(request.form("strSWLogEmail")) strDBLogEmail= cleanchars(request.form("strDBLogEmail")) strDBKeyCode= cleanchars(request.form("dbKeyCode")) 'strRedirect = "9500iLogin.asp?type=SOFTWARE" 'strReq = "SOFTWARE" 'strSWLogEmail = request.form("strSWLogEmail") 'if request.form("dbLogin.x") <> nil then ' response.write "dblogin pressed" 'end if 'if request.form("swLogin.x") <> nil then ' response.write ("software download") 'else ' response.write "nothing pressed" 'end if strLoginErr = "" strLoginErr2 = "" if request.form("toolLogin.x") <> nil then response.redirect("software/Detector Tools v1_3.") else if request.form("dbLogin.x") <> nil then strReq= "DB" 'if strSWLogEmail = "" then if strReq = "DB" then 'response.write "redirect " & strRedirect if checkKeyCode(strDBLogEmail, strDBKeyCode, strid, iDbDwnCnt) then strLoginErr2 = "" response.redirect("software/LocationDatabase-12-01-2008.lcd") else if strLoginErr2 = "" then strLoginErr2 = "Invalid Keycode" end if displayform end if else strReq= "SOFTWARE" 'response.write "login" & strSWLogEmail if FoundEmail(strSWLogEmail) then displayform response.redirect("software/9500ci_update_v1_2.swu") else strLoginErr = "This email is not registered. " 'response.write "invalid mail" displayform end if end if else if request.form("swlogin.x") <> nil then strReq= "SOFTWARE" 'response.write "login" & strSWLogEmail if FoundEmail(strSWLogEmail) then displayform response.redirect("software/9500ci_update_v1_2.swu") else strLoginErr = "This email is not registered. " 'response.write "invalid mail" displayform end if else displayform end if end if end if 'if request("TYPE") ="DB" then ' strReq = "DB" ' response.write "redirect " & strRedirect ' strRedirect = "9500iLogin.asp?type=DB" 'else ' if request("TYPE") = "SOFTWARE" then ' response.write "redirect " & strRedirect ' strReq = "SOFTWARE" ' strRedirect = "9500iLogin.asp?type=SOFTWARE;id=" & strId ' end if 'end if 'if request.form("dbLogin.x") <> nil then 'response.write "request " & strReq ' if strReq = "DB" then ' strregkeycode = request.form("strDBKeycode") ' if checkKeyCode(strDBLogEmail, strDBKeyCode, id) then ' response.redirect("Beltronics_eula.asp") ' else ' strLoginErr = "Invalid Keycode or Email" ' iDisplay = 1 ' end if ' else ' if strReq = "SOFTWARE" then ' if FoundEmail(strSWLogEmail) then ' response.redirect("software/9500ci_update_v1_0.hex") ' else ' strLoginErr = "Invalid Email" ' end if ' end if ' end if 'else ' iDisplay = 1 'end if 'if iDisplay = 1 then ' DisplayForm 'end if Sub DisplayForm() %>

Software Updates Download

Update Status: Beltronics Detector Tools ( Version 1 ) - Location Database ( Updated 12/01/08 ) - Software ( No Updates )



Beltronics Detector Tools  (Update Version 1)

(Required to Install updates - PC only. Requires Windows XP or Vista)

Important: Detector tools must be installed before you can download location database updates and detector software updates.
Detector Tools Installation Instructions
1. Click the Download button to start downloading the Detector Tools.
2. Save the file to your computer first by selecting save when prompted.
3. Choose to save the file to a location where you can easily find it again, such as your Desktop, or My Documents folder.
4. Once the download is complete, go to the location where you saved the zip file and double-click it to open it.
5. Next, run Setup.exe by double-clicking on the file then follow the on-screen instructions.

Now you are ready to download the Beltronics Location Database and Detector Software updates.

Location Database Updates  (Updated 12/01/08)

Log In and download the latest Location Database updates for the Beltronics GX65 only.

Location Database Installation Instructions
1. Enter your email address and your keycode that was provided with your detector below.
2. Then click the download button.
3. Save the file to a folder labeled Detector Data on your computer. (Created when you installed the Beltronics Detector Tools)

Important: Detector must be powered (if not using a laptop, Beltronics GX65 requires a Radar Detector 12 Volt Adapter - not included with detector) and connected to your PC (Beltronics GX65 requires an USB A to Mini USB cable - not included with detector) before you can install location database updates and detector software updates.

4. Open Detector Tools to send updates to your Beltronics Product.



Key Code: 




<%if strLoginErr2 = "" then response.write " " else response.write " " else response.write "

" & strLoginErr2 & " - " & " " & "Click Here to Register

" end if else response.write "

" & strLoginErr2 & "

" response.write "If you are having trouble, please contact our customer service team at 800-341-2288.
" response.write " If you prefer, you may also use our online chat at Beltronics.com." & "

" end if end if %>
" & "" &"
" if iDbDwnCnt < 2 then if bDBexp = true then response.write "

" & strLoginErr2 & " - " & "" & "Click Here to to renew your subscription.

PLEASE NOTE: You may only download this data one time per unit. If you have more than one unit, you will need to use its keycode through the registration process.

Software Updates

Currently there are no software updates available

Download the latest Software updates for the appropriate Beltronics Products.

Software Update Installation Instructions
1. Click on the appropriate download link.
2. Save the file to a folder labeled Detector Data on your computer. (Created when you installed the Beltronics Detector Tools)

Important: Detector must be connected to your PC (requires A/B USB cable - not included with detector) before you can install location database updates and detector software updates.

3. Open Detector Tools to send updates to your unit.
<% if len(strLoginErr2) > "0" then Response.Write("") end if end sub sub ValidateEmail( strInEmail ) dim pos if strInEmail <> "" AND inStr(strInEmail ,"@") <> 0 AND inStr(strInEmail ,".") <> 0 then strLoginErr = "" else strLoginErr = "You Entered invalid Email Address
" end if end sub function checkKeyCode( strInEmail, byval strKey, strInid, byref iDwnCnt ) dim sql, rs, dbc, i, dt, curdate strLoginErr = "" bDBExp = false if strInEmail = "" then strLoginErr = "Email is required." checkKeyCode = 0 exit function else validateEmail strInEmail end if if strKey = "" then strLoginErr = strLoginErr & "
Keycode is Required. " checkKeyCode = 0 exit function end if strKey = replace(ucase(strKey), " " ,"" ) strKey = replace(ucase(strKey), "-" ,"" ) strKey = replace(ucase(strKey), "O" ,"0" ) strKey = replace(ucase(strKey), "o" ,"0" ) if strInid = "" then sql = "select email, keycode, dbexpire, current_date, dbdowncnt from bel_swdownload where email = '" & strInEmail & "'" & " and keycode = '" & replace(ucase(strKey)," ", "") & "'" else sql = "select email, keycode,dbexpire, current_date, dbdowncnt from bel_swdownload where id = " & strInid end if OpenDatabase dbc ' response.write sql set rs = dbc.execute(sql) iDwnCnt = 0 if not rs.EOF then 'response.write "
record found
" dt = rs("dbexpire") curdate = rs("current_date") if dt >= curdate then iDwnCnt = rs("dbdowncnt") ' response.write "downcount " & iDwnCnt if iDwnCnt < 2 then sql = "update bel_swdownload set dbdowncnt = dbdowncnt + 1, totaldowncnt = totaldowncnt + 1 where email = '" & strInEmail & "'" & " and keycode = '" & replace(ucase(strKey)," ", "") & "'" dbc.execute(sql) checkKeyCode=1 else strLoginErr2 = "Sorry, according to our records you have already downloaded the latest version of this data." checkKeyCode=0 end if else strLoginErr2 = "Your database subscription is expired on " & dt & "." checkKeyCode=0 bDBexp = true end if else 'response.write "
record not found
" checkKeyCode=0 strLoginErr2 = "Combination of email and keycode not found." end if rs.close set rs=nothing CloseDatabase dbc end function function FoundEmail( strInEmail ) dim sql, rs, dbc, i OpenDatabase dbc sql = "select email from bel_swdownload where email = '" & strInEmail & "'" 'response.write sql set rs = dbc.execute(sql) if not rs.EOF then FoundEmail=1 else FoundEmail=0 end if rs.close set rs=nothing CloseDatabase dbc end function function FoundSrNo dim sql, rs, dbc, i OpenDatabase dbc sql = "select srno from bel_swdownload where srno = '" & strRegSrno & "'" 'response.write sql set rs = dbc.execute(sql) if not rs.EOF then FoundSrNo=1 else FoundSrNo=0 end if rs.close set rs=nothing CloseDatabase dbc end function Function Normfield(fieldvalue) 'VP-ASP 6.50 - added error checking if fieldvalue > "" then normfield = "'" & replace(fieldvalue,"'", "''") & "'" end if end function Sub CreateRegRowSize (caption, fieldname, fieldvalue, required, maxlength, boxsize) Dim aster If required="Yes" then aster="* " else aster=" " end if 'rewrote the line below Response.write "

" Response.write Caption & "

" %> <% Response.write "" & aster & "" & " " & "" end sub %>